Is there a hide reason for all this?
More problems..
My papers from Russia are gonna take more days to arrive! so I can't tramit the visa..
I had ONLY 5 days to tramit visa cause I don't have a house here and don't have money either..
Then, I discovered russian visa takes 10 days to be issued!!.., you can have it sooner of course, but you have to pay accordingly, even in 2 days if you have the money.. 35, 47, 92, 140 euros..
I won't have a place to sleep after this sunday.., with my 48kg of luggage!
So, I don't have time.., and really, I don't have money..
But I'll survive.., I always do..
RUSSIA must worth all this!, I will make it worthed!
RUSSIA must worth all this!, I will make it worthed!
Mi new laptop won't start.., because of the incident in Prague.., HP people said they have to take it to Paris to see if guarantee can cover it.., I almost die..
They took it today.., I feel helpless cause I just bought it, and maybe it will be huge money in the garbage..!, the money my parents gave me with a lot of effort.., the money they gave me to be safe here..
But I'm thinking about the things my mother told me: 'Don't be sad about materials things.., the most important is that you are OK and healthly'...
I can almost hear her voice... I miss her..
I feel bad things are happening to me..., I'm tired of struggeling and I feel lonely..
I'm stucked AGAIN in this city I've never liked and days are passing by without good news...
... what is keeping me soooo long in Brescia??..., there must be a reason, right?
Today, you called.., was sweet..
Is that it?
Is that gonna take me to some fantasy land with the power to erase every bad memory???

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