I lived without it for a while..,
for quite some time actually...,
very conscious of it.., but without anything I could do..
I realized then.., that it's not enough..
It's not enough to know, it's not enough to be able to..,
to be able to conect with nature..
My mind tried hard to scape.., she tried to go very far away,
to unknown places beyond physics..
... I've always thought it was totally possible for people like me..
.. but it wasn't..
She had no water...
... how could she go so far without water???
so.., she stayed and wait.., and I lost my freedom..
Time went by.. I got water now.., and I know now what is really necessary and what is not..
I will thank for those necessary things everyday..
Cause I'm free again.., I'm alive again...
That's why I can say I will be happy, just because I chose my life..
Not all people can say that.., and some people just don't know if there's a difference..
But freedom has a high price.., indeed..
Through my short path I hurted some people I love..,
I made mistakes when finding my way..,
I lost something I still miss cause I took a decision..,
I got hurted of course, many times.., and all these will continue happening..
"La libertad tiene un precio alto.., tan alto como el precio de la esclavitud.."
I'm proud of all my scars.., and I'm happily paying the price, with a smile, even more when tears come across..
I made changes.., I didn't stay there..
Now I'm living pushing my limits.., challenging physics..,
trying to get to more unkown places..,
.. today.., I visited another one..