sábado, enero 01, 2005

My reason: De conceptos rotos está hecho el mundo..

I write since I was 8 years old I think.. 

Now, my 'new year's resolution' has given me another way to do it..
My hundred diaries and my thousands thoughts will be here.., inmortalized..
My most privileged/exceptional moments..,
the most important of my life's stages.., at least,
My book: 'De conceptos rotos está hecho el mundo' 

I write because I don't know how NOT to express myself.. 
My mind just flows with it.. 
.. it's the only way to calm down my emotions, my feelings and my "thinking".. 

My memory is like everybody else's.., can not keep on top all my moments, all my thoughts.. 

I had always read a lot, but I also produce 'my own' through my life experience and my intellect.. 

I have always asked myself: .. Do I have another source? another way?.. 
.. maybe in a parallel state.. but then again.. I've always felt like living in a parallel state and some things I will only know by dying and living again.. and even so, it's just a possibility..

My thoughts and memories will be stopped in time.., my life on words.., my experiences on ideas.. my opinion about and for the world.. 
My way to always be able to come back to basics.. 

My thoughts evolving.., my emotions and feeling getting consistent.., my vision and philosophy taking shape.., my personality turning stronger and more flexible at the same time.., my past shaping my future and my soul.., growing up into beauty and toward a meaningful life.. 

An "Ode to Philosophy" and other things..

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